Language dynamics and management of diversity
The human language faculty has an endowment for multilingualism. Assuming that this can be confirmed, the view of child bilingualism as a potential source of possible disturbances must be abandoned. Instead, monolingualism can be regarded as resulting from an impoverished environment where an opportunity to exhaust the potential of the language faculty is not fully developed.
Jürgen Meisel, 2004

DYLAN was an Integrated Project (Contract N° 028702) funded under Framework Programme 6 (FP6) of the European Union. The project embraced 20 research institutions in 12 European Countries and ran for five years (2006-2011).

November 2020
We are happy to announce the latest of the DYLAN Prestige series, by Anne-Claude Berthoud and Laurent Gajo. You will find more information on the dedicated section of our website.
Project Evaluation

The European Commission delivered early 2012 its final evaluation of the DYLAN Project, which has been reviewed as "a very good project that has contributed considerably to the progress in the field of multilingualism".
More Information

The DYLAN Project ended in September 2011 with its final conference in Brussels. The website will remain online, with only minor updates notably about publications. For more complete information you can contact the project coordinator.
Our Final Results

A specific section of this website is dedicated to the dissemination of DYLAN findings. In this area you will be able to find individual dissemination activities of all partners as well as final "common" products such as the DYLAN postcards, the DYLAN booklet, the DYLAN Book with the indicators and the DYLAN Prestige Series.